"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is forever to decide to have your heart go walking outside your body"
A very simple passage but one that really stuck with me. Beautiful words to describe a parents love for the child they helped create. Since I only have the mother's perspective to go with here, I can only speak as the person who grew a child in my body. I know a fathers love for his child is strong, no doubt about that, but there is something that seems magical and powerful about a mother's love for her baby. Since I lost my mom I have given alot of thought about maternal love and how it's affected me as a grown woman and the role it has played in how I express love for my boy. Stating the obvious here I will have to say that there is just nothing more gripping and life-changing than that kind of love. Other types of love fade but that one just seems to strengthen over time. Struggles with how difficult parenting can be are forgotten when you look at your child and know how it's all worth it. All of this is just from my point of view, of course, but I am sure these feelings are universal in nature.
Love, in any form but parental love, is something that is hard to explain. Either you feel it or you don't. The love a parent has for their child is the most profound form of it but that's not to say that those who have never reproduced are incapable of feeling something just as strong. Speaking as someone who loved a pet profoundly, I can say that kind of love is in the same ballpark as the one I have for my son. The main difference is this - I have been able to live my life and go on without my dog; I don't think the same could be said if I was without my son. Gizmo touched my heart but Nick owns it. He owns it because he IS my heart - it's as simple as that.
I've always been a big fan of letting pictures tell the story so here are a couple of pictures of what I think love looks like.
The below pic is one of all time favorites. This picture never fails to warm me and make me smile.

This picture was taken last summer at my mom's house. The look on her face as she looks at him is so sweet. His smile as he basks in that attention is just as wonderful. I love this picture and am so very glad I have it.