Sometime last month I found an adorable harness for Nick to wear while we're out and about. I found it online and they had it available at Walmart. It's a combination harness and backpack that has a monkey on it. Ever since Nick was in utero I've called him my little monkey. My child has never been one to sit still, even while he was in the cramped space of my uterus that he called home. I used to joke that he appeared to be trying to swing from the trees while in there. That's where the nickname of monkey came about.
The harness works like a charm keeping him with me, I'm happy to report. I took him to a cool kids amusement park while he was wearing it and he seemed to like it. He didn't want me to remove it when we got home! He loves it so much that he often wants to wear it to just hang around the house.
I'm so happy I found it.. it makes him happy to wear it and gives me a sense of relief knowing that with it I can keep him next to me where he belongs.
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