Let me preface this by saying that I have never voted Republican in my life so the fact that I am voting for Barack Obama shouldn't come as a shock to anyone who knows me. I may have voted Republican this time out if I felt the candidate was the right one. Obviously, that is not the case. I have respect for John Mc Cain as a maverick (I know - - there goes that word again...) and as a strong dissentor of our current president. I think he's an upstanding American for his service to our country but I wouldn't want to live in a country where someone like Sarah Palin is a heatbeat away from the presidency. She scares me.. plain and simple. Her views are the polar opposite of mine in just about every way and while I have respect for her opinions, I wouldn't want someone in power having them.
No, I don't think Obama is going to the savior of this country.. not at all. But I do think that he'll work his ass off to try to change what is broken. Change is necesary, folks, and this man is up to the challenge. I hope he gets the chance to do it.
OK.. onto another hot topic..

Prop 8.. ah yes, the hot button topic here in California. Since I have no problem with anyone living their lives truthfully and out in the open, this shouldn't shock that I hope this measure goes down in flames. Why shouldn't gays be allowed to marry? I mean, really.. why should I care what others do with their lives? I am not knocking those who do care, but I am just stating the fact that I clearly do not. I really am a live and let live person -- don't harm anyone that I love or me and I am totally fine with whatever you do. That is the way I was raised and how I see most things in life.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow and anxious to see what the outcome will be. I'd like to think that both of the things that I spoke of will go my way but we shall see, won't we?
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