Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes, we can

And yes, we did.

I really believe America got it right last night with their decision to elect Barack Obama as our next president. If I was in or near Chicago I would've braved the temps to be there to see history in the making. As it was I was witness to it just being in front of my TV. So many barriers were broken and so much hope restored... it truly was a night to remember and tell your kids and grandkids about one day.

I truly thought that President-elect Obama (man, I love writing that!) gave an excellent speech. I loved how he paid tribute to his political rival by calling him a hero for enduring so many sacrifices for his country. I have never doubted that he was a good American; he just wasn't the one I wanted as our next leader. My tears really flowed when he spoke of his deep love and gratitude he has for his family. I smiled when he told his daughters that they earned the new puppy that will be accompanying them to their new home in Washington. He seems like a devoted dad and as a parent that is something that I love to see. My heart broke for him when I learned of his grandmother's passing.. I know she was beaming with pride looking down on him. Yes, I know I am a sap.

Obama spoke of the historic outcome of last night's election as our victory. I truly believe he is right and hope that even his dissentors will eventually see it that way. My favorite part of the speech, besides the heartfelt moments, was where he spoke of the road to repairing what's broken as being long.. that we may not get there in a year or so but we will get there.. I don't expect overnight changes that will fix all that ails us but we have to have hope. That is what is most important. That is why that line resonated with me. I have hope for the outside world as well as what is happening in my own life with respect to my mom's illness and my son's condition. Without said hope I would have given up a long while ago. They deserve better from me and our country deserves better as well. I hope we all get what we deserve.

OK, hopping off political soapbox now... :)

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