Sunday, September 28, 2008

Walkin' the walk

This morning I participated in a fundraising walk for Autism Speaks, a wonderful organization dedicated to raising both awareness of this disorder and raising the funds necessary to find a cure. I walked with my son and my sister-in-law and we all enjoyed the 2 mile walk. The weather was lovely and the spirit of all the walkers united to raise money for this awesome cause helped contribute to it being a great experience. I was nervous that my son wouldn't want to walk the whole length but he did wonderfully and behaved really well. He objected to holding my hand the whole time so I let him lag behind me for a spell a few times. He was within my sight and when he felt like catching up to me he did. I think it was the little man asserting his independance a little bit and I was fine with that as long as I knew he was safe and within my reach.

I'm not sure of the amount raised by this walk but I know that I was able to raise close to $400 and I appreciated everyone who helped me make that goal. It is just a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to raise the money for Autism research but doing it and feeling a part of the community was a great experience for me. I hope to be able to do more in the future.

Thank you to everyone who helped me do this.. I love and appreciate you all. A special thank you goes out to my buddy and sister-in-law Lori. She gave of her time today and I love her for it. LVO, thanks for the laughs and just the joy of your company today. I love you!

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