Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A milestone of sorts...

My baby just lost his first tooth!!

It seems like only yesterday he started getting them in the first place. I'm quite certain that anyone who has a child or is close to child can totally relate to that! Nick is now 6 years old and that astounds me every day thinking of that. He is doing really well in both school and his in-home therapy. I just had a long talk with his teacher and she told me that his verbal abilities have come a long way since he started in her class back in February. He's articulating more and will mimic the syllabes of words that are presented to him. He'll do that for me at times but not as often as he will at school. I'd like for that to change, but as long as he's doing it, I am happy. His behavior is hit and miss. He can be the sweetest child one moment and a total stinker the next. I think that is age appropriate so it isn't something I worry about too much. As long as the sweet moments outweigh the monster ones, all is good in that area.

I haven't written much about my mom lately but here's an update. Nearly fifteen months after receiving the devastating news that her cancer was terminal, she is still with us and doing remarkably well. She's a tough cookie and I am so grateful for that. In addition to being of strong will she is in possession of a fabulous attitiude about this whole situation. I truly believe that has helped keep her with us and I know that her being positive has helped me keep faith as well. I have my days where my fears regarding her condition take over but I do my best to try to push them aside and live for the moment. Whatever will be, will be... that is my motto. I can't do anything to help her besides being there and letting her see the person she loves the most in this world, her grandson. If I could take some of her pain, I would and gladly. Unfortunately that isn't possible so I do what I can, when I can and she is wonderful at telling me how much I am appreciated. It's my pleasure to still have the ability to be able to do that so I will do it as much and for as long as I can. Anyone reading this that knows me knows that I am crying as I sit here typing this.. those aren't tears of sadness, not at all. They are tears of joy because she is still here and we still have this time.

Here are some great pictures that we had taken recently. My mom looks wonderful in these and I know that I will treasure them forever.

My mom and her beautiful grandsons, Nicholas and Christian

My mom, brother, and I

My favorite picture of my mom and I. And no, we didn't synchronize our outfits.. great minds just think alike..

One last pic of my little man.. LOVE this picture!

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