Nick went back to school this morning after a month and a half long break. His old class was merged with another special needs class at a different school than he had been attending. Budget cuts forced the school district to combine classes and now he's back at a school he attended for the half of his kindergarten year. That particular class wasn't a good fit for him so I arranged to have him transferred to one that his teacher and I felt was a better match. It was a gamble that paid off as it proved to be an environment that was better suited to his particular needs. He will still have the same teacher he's had for the last year and a half and I am so grateful for that. Sadly none of the aides that he'd become used to and fond of made the switch to the new campus so that will be an adjustment for Nick as well as his classmates. I drove him to school this morning to help make the transition easier for him. He seemed a bit confused when we first got there but smiled and hugged his teacher when he saw her. I think as long as Nick has some familiar faces he will be fine. Thankfully he does well with change, for the most part. He adjusts fairly quickly to new situations and people as well.
I was bound and determined to take a couple of pics of my now second grader this morning.. as you can see he was not making it easy for his snap happy mama:

One can tell from looking at these pictures that he was tired and just not in a cooperating mood today. I show them here because I came to a conclusion a long time ago and that is this - my child is so photogenic that there is no such thing as a bad picture of him. I'm insanely proud of him hence the constant sharing.
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